Sunday, October 7, 2007

No more, no more, no more...(isn't that line from a song?)

1. No more eating in bed! anytime of day or night (this used to be a real "comfort zone" for me...eating and reading and bed....all at the same time!)

2. No more eating after 8:00 at night. (I know..the experts say 6 or 7 pm, but sometimes I have a "snack" of watermelon after supper.)

3. No more fast food. (I've been out to a restaurant once since the surgery and I had a cup of soup.)

4. No more sugar! (I really thought I'd shrivel up and die without it! Ok, I confess... my cleaning lady at school brought in a plate of brownies in celebration of her birthday this week and insisted I have one. I reluctantly took a small piece --I so did not want to hurt her feelings!-- and took a bite. After she left, I threw it away. That doesn't really count does it?)

5. No more being a slave to food. (One of the residents at school happened to be sitting in front of me at a school program this past week and asked me about having the surgery. During the course of the conversation she said, "Aren't you glad not to be a slave to food anymore?" I replied, "That describes it! I was a slave to food!" It ruled my waking hours and thoughts...and even though I have to think about food a lot now, too, it is in a very different way. It is more along the lines of what I need to buy to cook my soup of the week and my main dish of the week. I have to confess, it is a tremendous weight off --no pun intended--to not have to be a slave to thinking about food and obsessing over it all the time!)

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