Saturday, November 24, 2007

It's enough to turn your stomach!!!!

After a very relaxing Thanksgiving break (although not as mobile as I'd like to have been)....I arrived home to a horrendous stench in the house!!

Ashley had been over this morning to feed cats and called me complaining about it. I told her to take out the trash and empty a bowl I'd left in the sink, but I couldn't imagine that it would be so bad that it would make her gag and throw up....twice!!! She took care of it....

Well, not really.....I opened the back door...lit a candle...double checked the trash can...poured bleach in the sink....and then decided I'd better put up the fruit and milk I'd carried in.....and then it hit me!!! OMGOSH....right in the face!!!! gag....ick....revolting.....

The fridge had gone out and everything in it was spoiled and stinking to high heaven....blowing hot air and a hot horrible smell....and had probably been that way for most of the time I'd been gone. I remember getting a bottle of water out Tuesday morning when I left and thinking it didn't feel as cold as it usually does.

I don't even want to think about how much in groceries I'm throwing away....the freezer was packed with shrimp, salmon, chicken, veggies, frozen fruit......

I'll be making a trip to Sherman tomorrow afternoon and come home with a new fridge.

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