Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 random things about me...

Natalie posted hers...Rachel posted here are 25 random things about me.

1. I do not like milk (or coffee or tea). Once when I was preschool age, I started sneakily pouring out my morning glass of milk into the trash....that lasted until Mother gathered up the trash and discovered it.

2. I watch less than 5 hours of tv a week....I used to watch at least that much a day. I'm very comfortable with silence. (Unless I happen to catch some movies like I did this weekend: Miss Potter, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and Nadine)

3. I really dislike housecleaning, but I love to be organized.

4. I've been in 2 car accidents---I was driving both times.

5. My first cat was named "Mother cat."

6. I had never heard the words "homosexual," "gay," or "lesbian" or even knew what they were until I was a freshman in college.

7. My favorite flavor of jello is black cherry.

8. Brenda (my brother-in-law's oldest sister) taught me how to swim when I was about 12.

9. I have A- does Kari.

10. I had my tonsils removed when I was 18....I did not get any jello or ice cream in the hospital!

11. I've always wished I could have piano lessons and learn to play the piano and play it well.

12. Mother taught me how to embroider when I was 5. I've always had a love for a variety of needlework.

13. Eisenhower was president when I was born.

14. The first time I saw a scorpion, I stepped on it to kill it..I was barefoot! I had no idea what a scorpion was!

15. I really miss living in the country and riding horses.

16. I love reading magazines--everything from Mental Floss, Vanity Fair, People, National Geographic, Newsweek, Home Companion, Smithsonian. If I could afford it, I'd probably subscribe to dozens! When I was growing up we always had Good Housekeeping, Newsweek, and Progressive Farmer.

17. When I began my first full-time job as a librarian in 1993, I didn't even know how to turn on the computer! I'm amazed at the wealth of knowledge I've gained in 15 years...and even more amazed at the opportunities I've had to use it.

18. The very first thing I ever cooked following a recipe was a plain vanilla cake---and I left out the vanilla! I still have the cookbook--it was a birthday present from Mother when I was about 10 or 11.

19. I was 18 the first time I flew on a plane---and I flew by myself to Anchorage, Alaska from Dallas. I spent 2 weeks with my aunt and uncle -- it was a graduation gift from them. It was the best gift ever!!

20. I love to make ppts!! (Esther can certainly testify to this! lol)

I've spent 2 days trying to think of 5 more things to add, so I'm going to stop here!
Later: Kari came up with the next 5--and may I say...she's truly the best daughter in the world...and I love her without measure! She knows me so well... :)

21. You always sleep with the light on! Probably because you fall asleep reading one of those gazillion magazines. :)

22. You had not mowed your own yard in my lifetime until this past year.

23. You have a freakish obsession with old quilts which you have passed that gene on to me.

24. You like to travel and see new places and yet can also be a homebody and not want to go anywhere.

25. You would much prefer to drive a standard stick-shift car than an automatic.


Natalie Weaver said...

I feel like I should find out what my blood type is... why is this not something on your driver's license like declaring your organ donor status? I have absolutely no idea what my blood type is, and wouldn't really know how to find out other than donating, and that makes me swoon...

I also had a tonsilectomy at 18, and no ice cream for me either! And all those stories that you're fine in a day or two, no worries... ALL LIES! Took me weeks to recover! And I was constantly vomiting and couldn't keep pain pills down... ug. Horrible.

Glad you posted. :)

bookworm27 said...

21. You always sleep with the light on! Probably because you fall asleep reading one of those gazillion magazines. :)

22. You had not mowed your own yard in my lifetime until this past year.

23. You have a freakish obsession with old quilts which you have passed that gene on to me.

24. You like to travel and see new places and yet can also be a homebody and not want to go anywhere.

25. You would much prefer to drive a standard stick-shift car than an automatic.
