2) Warren is sad because his family (Mom, Allison & Olivia) had to leave and go home after their weekend visit...and he's got to go buy new dress pants that will fit to wear to work tomorrow (work being his scheduled rotation)....and he's sad that he didn't get to buy an iphone at the store because they weren't taking anymore customers for the day.

3) Lori is sad because when she was riding her bike around the lake yesterday, a cop (in a car) pulled her over and gave her a "moving violation" ticket....because she'd not stopped at a stop sign!!! Then after giving her the ticket, she asks where Lori works and Lori tells her, "The city of Dallas." and then the copy lady says, "Why didn't you tell me that to begin with?" Naturally, Lori didn't have her driver's license on her person, so she had to call Lisa at home to get her #....and, of course, Lisa is like, "You've GOT to be kidding me!!! Does the cop not have anything better to do??"
4) Lynn is sad because her 3 yr. old washing machine has not worked, literally, for a month!!!! The part is in, but the repairman couldn't schedule the repair until tomorrow!
5) The kids are sad because their faithful black lab dog, Missy, died from heartworms.
6) Gram is sad because she isn't going to get to see the end of the Tour de France (Bonham cable doesn't carry it...she's spent the past 3 wks. at Lisa's watching it, but had to come home due to appts. she has).

7) ....and me??? I'm thrilled I was FINALLY able to find a jar of tahini paste in this town!! Now I can make my own fresh hummus (the grocery store is constantly running out!). I'm not sad about anything.
Yeah hummus!! I love hummus!!
p.s. I'm a little sad. My new car was hit today. Neighbor backed into it. Boo.
Glad you got your tahini! See you on the 4th! xoxo
Yay, hummus! I called Sony today since is has been less than a year and my warrenty should still be in effect...and it was such a simple fix. Duh, BOTH the software (which I didn't know I had) and hardware switch have to be turned on!!
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