Then I heard a shocking piece of info this week while watching The Biggest Loser: You must burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 lb.
Hmmmm....I'd better quit lounging around in my favorite corporate p.j.'s (I spent 5+ years wearing nothing but while working for Edison...in case you have to ask what "corporate p.j.'s" are)....and start finding out how many calories I'm burning or could be burning! Here's the skinny (no pun intended...well, ok, maybe a little bit intended :)
Number of calories burned in 30 minutes:
Cleaning House 288
Curves 500
Dancing 147
Driving car 42 (I do this for 1 1/2 hrs. five days a week!)
Food shopping w/cart 50 (I'm not sure why having a cart matters....)
Gardening 195
Hiking 201
Kayaking 216
Kissing 50
Knitting/Crocheting 43
Laundry 50
Lawn mowing 156
Moving furniture/household items 259-388 (I'm not in to moving furniture around unless it means packing and moving!)
Office Work 70
Painting/Papering a house 194
Playing piano 108
Pushing stroller w/child 108
Scrubbing floors on hands and knees 237 (like I'm ever going to do this!!)
Sewing 43
Sex 177 (5.9 calories per minute) [had to include this to see if anyone is paying attention!...and for those of you who might need to measure in minutes instead of half hour blocks! LOL]
Shelving books---I don’t know! (Some days it takes me 1-1 ½ hrs. to get it all done. I’m guessing it burns between 100-150 per 30 minutes---maybe more.)
Shopping 108 (notice that shopping is so much harder than just shopping for food!)
Sitting at rest .8 (yes, that is a decimal)
Sitting reading 48
Sleeping 48 (gad!!! it takes so little effort to get beauty sleep, doesn't it?)
Stair Climbing (normal speed) 264
Standing 96
Sweeping 173
Walking 108-204
Watching TV 72.5
Yard Work 185
Yoga 173
I called Curves to find out if they are running any specials--they are: a 2 for 1, but I don't have anyone to make that one....
So I guess I'd better get back to the laundry, house cleaning, cooking, yard work....hmmm, will it all add up to 500 calories burned a day?
1 comment:
maybe you could take gram?!?!
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