Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Down 15 lbs!

Ok...I know that sounds pretty drastic considering it hasn't even been a week since the surgery, but when only a certain amount of food will fit inside, something is going to go away....and I've got lots of fat for my body to feed off of for a week or two. :) It is pretty shocking to get on the scales two days in a row and be down 5 lbs. each day.

Today Lori found some non-flavored high protein mix that we are going to try in some broth or soup. It really is critical that I get as much protein down as possible. And, thankfully, she'd bought me some chewable Flintstone vitamins! Woo hoo! We can throw out the Geritol! (ick! nasty! vile stuff!) Over the next week, I've really got to work on increasing the protein and liquids amount. Can tell that my energy level is flagging and I don't want that weak feeling.

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