Conversation #1: This person knew I'd had lapband surgery. She'd also had it around the same time I did and wanted to know "how I am doing." She was frustrated that she had not lost any weight since the surgery and 3 fills. She wanted to know if the 45+ lbs. I'd lost so far was "from the surgery or from me." She said she has a compulsion to eat and did not want to change what she eats or her eating habits, but wanted to surgery to work and make her lose weight. I suggested she get some behavioral therapy or psychiatric counseling. She told me she had lied during the psychiatric evaluation pre-surgery.
Conversation #2: This person's sister-in-law had lapband surgery and weighed 420+ lbs. She also did not want to change any eating habits and has totally abandoned any pretense of trying to lose weight. She said she enjoys eating and food is her life. When she fixes pot roast for her family, she fixes a pot roast for each person to eat!!! When offering ice cream for desert, she offers each person a pint or half gallon each!!! She eats whole bags of cookies for a snack.
Needless to say, both conversations within 2 days of each other just helped me feel more determied to get back on a more narrow path.....and it makes me thankful that I have the continued support of family and co-workers who make comments of encouragement and compliments to me.....andthat I am making progress....
I can honestly say that I was mentally prepared for this surgery. I never thought it would be a miracle surgery and that I would instantly lose 150 pounds. I was so sick of being an out-of-control eater. I was tired of constantly thinking about food from the minute I woke up until I fell asleep. I was tired of being so lazy that I practically relied on nothing but take-out, fast food, and restaurant food for meals. Being out of control was wearing me out....and making me very unhealthy.
I went in to the surgery knowing that I had to change my way of thinking, my way of shopping, my way of eating, my way of cooking. I knew I had to start planning ahead for meals, exercise, get more sleep, learn to say no to some foods, and learn to eat realistic portion sizes. This was a life-style change for me....for the rest of my life because I have a daughter and son-in-law and future grandkids and nieces and a nephew and the rest of my family who I want to be able to spend as much time as I can with for as many years as I can. Thank you, God. Amen.
Beeswax ATC created by moi.
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