Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I think I started wearing mascara in 8th grade...and it was Maybelline from the beginning. I was always fascinated with that little red box of cake mascara and the little tiny brush. Advances had been made in make up by the time I started wearing it that I went straight for the tube kind! Even through that short period in my life when I wore royal blue mascara (I think this was our 8th grade year when Diane and I had such a crush on our math teacher! lol) I've always worn Maybelline....and pretty much wouldn't be caught dead without mascara on.......until I started working for Edison in 2000.

You know, mascara just didn't fit in to my daily routine of wearing corporate pajamas! lol I continued wearing mascara when attending church or doing trainings or some other public function, but when I was in my home office or running to Wal-mart....I was just slumming--no mascara!

During the year I was post-Edison, lamenting the loss of my dream job, and just eating till I reached the size of a Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon, I sure wasn't going anywhere that required wearing mascara. Then I got a job at Greenville...and I was very thankful to have the job, but I had such a long commute that I had to decide what to sacrifice...sleep or mascara? Miss Piggy could wear mascara, but I just couldn't give up the sleep to look like her that early in the morning, so I went to school everyday for two years with NO mascara! Oh, the shame! (Well, not really...I just didn't care what they all thought because I knew I wouldn't be there long.)

I was so thrilled to have the job at Sam Rayburn that I whipped out the mascara brush....only to discover that my lashes no longer curled!!! OMGOSH!! They were just sticking out old lady eyelashes!!

I was determined that I was NOT going to school without mascara any more, so I perservered with applying the stuff every morning...haven't missed a day without it. Now, I'll admit that it's not 3 or 4 layers like I used to wear (you know that Tammy Faye look...well, I wasn't quite that bad, but I did like it on thick!), but I get on at least one or two coats.

....and it took TWO months before my eyelashes started curling!!!

1 comment:

Natalie Weaver said...

Yay! A makeup blog! I knew I loved you with all of my heart! :) You are beautiful every second of every day, with or without the use of Maybelline.

Love you sweet pea, and will see you in Dallas tomorrow. xoxoxoxo