Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fill No. 2

Only one other person was getting a fill yesterday, so no drama to report! lol She had her surgery two months before me and has lost six pounds more than I have. It's reassuring to find these kinds of things out. It provides some reassurance that I'm doing well--although, I could have done better over the Christmas holidays.

When Dr. Green filled my band, he had to take out some because the white liquid I swallowed wasn't going through. He said, "I don't want you to not be able to swallow your own spit." !!!!!!!! Well isn't that a scary thought?!

I'm looking forward to losing 6 more lbs.....so I can say that I've lost 50 lbs.!!

1 comment:

bookworm27 said...

Yea! You could celebrate the losing the Big 5-0!! ha (since you didn't celebrate your b-day ;)