Saturday, July 18, 2009

Crazy 8 tagged by Rachel!

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. spending 2 wks. with Kari and Natalie
2. more summer late-sleeping days
3. more good books to read
4. being a grandmother (hmm...what will be my grandmother "name"??)
5. AASL in Nov. with Kari & Esther
6. doing more photography shoots
7. growing more tomatoes
8. having 100 people follow me on Twitter! lol

8 things I did yesterday:
1. be lazy
2. start mermaid house
3. read and enjoy hearing the thunder and rain at night
4. send Warren a birthday card
5. start cleaning off my desk
6. go grocery shopping
7. talk to Kari
8. e-mail, genealogy research, twitter, etc. on computer

8 things I wish I could do:
1. play the piano
2. sing well
3. travel for a month every year
4. swim every day
5. lose weight faster
6. not procrastinate about finishing projects at home
7. enjoy house cleaning
8. live close to Kari & Warren

8 shows I watch:
1. Top Chef
2. Project Runway
3. Grey's Anantomy
4. America's Next Top Model
5 - 8 anything that might catch my interest like 20/20, Ace of Cakes, Next 48 Hrs., Oprah

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