I had a job pre-interview scheduled for after school....I put on pantyhose for the first time, literally, in years (it's a miracle some even were in my drawer!)...and they fit

...and not tight either! I put on a dress that I bought last fall and some little black heels. This is a dress I'd been saving to wear when I hit the 50 lb. mark. A job seemed more important that day than whether I hit the mark! So needless to say, all this gussied-upness caused quite a sensation at school from the time I walked in the door until I sashayed out! lol These people have never seen me really dressed up! Sad... I used to dress like that every day!! Of course, I had a full-time aide when I was at Achille and I wasn't the one that had to crawl around in the floor to shelve/move books. During the course of the day, I remembered why I had quit wearing pantyhose to school...and dresses!! Manual labor isn't condusive to wearing pantyhose. Unfortunately, before the day was out, the interview had to be rescheduled for the next day.....gad!!! I couldn't take wearing pantyhose for 2 days in a row!! However, I have to admit that I'd forgotten how empowering heels are! lol
So the next day.....I just stop at the house and put the same dress AND pantyhose back on....and continue on....empowered! click click click down the hallway... LOL
That was last week....
I get an e-mail from Etsy telling me that my AmEx card has expired 5/1/2008...I'm thinking it's odd that I didn't get a replacement one in the mail...so I call them on a Friday. I'm told that they sent me a new one in June 2007!!! (why?) They tell me it was mailed to Denton, TX and returned!! Ok..I could understand that one....maybe. Kari & I share the same AmEx account, but we have different card numbers...and I knew she had updated the mailing address, but if they sent it June of last year just a month after she married, I could forgive that. However, they did not even have my mailing address in the system and said they didn't have Kari's name change to Worsham. Ok...so I took care of all the updating and was assured I'd have a new card out by overnight express. Monday came...and went...no card...BUT, Kari received a new card in the mail at her house!!!! and her card doesn't even expire till 2012!! Tuesday came and went....no card...Wednesday came and went without a card, too. I call them again and am told they don't have a log of me even calling and requesting a new card!!! So I have to go through all of that again....and am assured they will overnight express me a card, but it would be Friday when I get it. Friday comes and I get a call from Kari....Warren rec'd an AmEx card in the mail for me...at their house! I get home and I get an AmEx card delivered...made out to Kimberly

Worsham...with a different number than the one Kari rec'd for me!!! AAaaaarrggghh!!! These C- people trying to run the world drive me NUTS!!!! especially when I have to make more than one phone call to straighten out their mess!!!! Needless to say, I call AmEx again...and get them straightened out. I get a call from their customer service at 9 PM!!!! Don't call me on a Friday night when I'm tired, cranky and YOU have screwed up and want to know if I'm satisfied with my recent dealings!!! You know what the answer to that is going to be! Monday I get a new card...gee whiz!!! Wednesday I get another call from customer service telling me they will compensate me with 2,000 customer reward points because I could not use my card for 24 hrs....24 hrs?!!! I told her it was a week!!!! thanks to inefficient, incompetent people at AmEx who could not simply send out a renewed card...to the correct address...with the correct name!!! She repeated again that I was getting 2,000 customer reward points....ok...and I'm supposed to be grateful for that? Today I get a Thank You card in the mail from AmEx customer service telling me it was a pleasure to speak with me about my recent experience and they certainly appreciate my feedback!
This past week I overextended the muscles in my upper right arm (due to two nights of working

for about 4 hrs. each night) by sitting on the couch and reclining on the left side and so my right arm was extended across my body...well, P A I N in the night...as in NOT being able to move my right arm AT ALL!!! Nearly killed myself trying to wrestle one-armed into a bra---went to school late---decided I was nuts to try to drive one-armed for such a long way---once there, realized that I was pretty much useless trying to get books checked in and put up---s0 stayed about half a day------didn't go at all yesterday---couldn't get dressed...etc. Moaned in pain....could only sleep a few hours at a time....discovered it is amazing how much we flex those upper arm muscles for the slightest thing....could only lay in a certain position...and even then, the pain never completely stopped....during this time I was taking aspirin, applying stinky muscle rub stuff (can't believe I even had any!!), and trying to keep my arm warm....Ashley brought me some Ibuprofen last night and wrapped my arm in an ace bandage (anything to help keep those muscles still!!!).....then a miracle occurred....I slept all night and woke up with no pain. I can't explain it....MSII Worsham had told me that the nerve would grow back if that was what was damaged....this just seemed to defy explanation-- to go from intense pain to none....well, I do still have some tenderness in areas....and I'm careful to not try to muscle anything around using that arm or carrying anything heavy...there is one position I can't quite move it into.... I did not tell Mother about this because all that hovering around trying to help gets on my nerves when I'm in pain, but somehow she found out and came over this morning...and she was a big help...folded laundry, made my bed, went to get groceries with me....and I appreciated it today because I had no pain!
Needless to say, this gave me a whole new appreciate for Cristian de la Fuente on DWTS. :)
That was this week.... and now I'm like 3 days behind at school already!!!!
Only 13 more days of school!!!!! Woo hoo!! It cannot get here soon enough!! 'cause I need a vacation.