Anyone that knows me, knows that I'm a

book and magazine-aholic! This book was a freebie that I picked up at a library conference a few years ago and am just now getting around to actually using. It makes me long for the days when we had gardens--the early tilling in later winter, the first plantings of green onions, the earthy smell of potato eyes going in the ground, the feel of freshly turned dirt on my bare feet as I walked through the garden rows, the tangy smell of tomatoes as we pinched off the lower leaves, the weeding that came later, the joy of picking and eating fresh vegetables, the soft metallic plinking sounds when we shelled black eyed peas, the heat in the kitchen when it was canning time, and the thunking sound of lids as they cooled sitting on newspapers on the floor.

Recently, a young friend of mine expressed interest in canning some tomato sauce and because her grandmother has Alzheimer's, she called me wanting to know if my mother had a recipe and could tell her how to do it. In the meantime at an estate sale, my sister happened across this 1964 cookbook that has a wealth of information about canning. I can't imagine another cookbook being any better than this one! Half of the book contains recipes and the other half contains directions for canning foods. Because Lisa bought this book for Brandy, now I'm on the prowl for a copy of my own!