Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cinnamon Kick

Kari & I both love cinnamon toast....and the best in the world is made by Donnas Kay (the secret is to broil it). However, I've just recently discovered that we've grown up using the cheapest grade of cinnamon and haven't had sense enough to know what we are missing! I bought a bottle of Saigon Cinnamon....and could immediately tell the difference in just the smell!

Since I've really begun to feel rotten from this head hold (which seems to be located in just my nose!) I made my mulled cider last night (or course, the 22 degree weather spurred me along, too) and made me 2 pieces of broiled cinnamon toast. I woke up in the night with my throat on fire, so heated some more of the mulled cider almost to the boiling point and downed it using a straw so I wouldn't burn my tongue. It was a good pain! lol
Facts about cinnamon:

*It's a small tree that grows in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam, and Egypt--it's the bark that is used for spice.
*There are 4 varieties of cinnamon, but the two popular ones are Ceylon and Cassia.
*Ceylon cinnamon is sweeter and the bark is thinner than Cassia.
*Cassia cinnamon is the least expensive and is commonly sold in supermarkets in the U.S. [Saigon cinnamon is the high end of this variety.]
*Ceylon cinnamon sells for about $32 a pound and is sometimes called the true cinnamon.

[Ceylon cinnamon on left; Cassia cinnamon on right]

Health benefits of cinnamon:

*Cinnamon can help lower cholesterol.
*It may help regulate blood sugar.
*It can stop medication-resistant yeast infections.
*It can reduce the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
*It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
*It can provide significant arthritis pain relief.
*It inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage.
*Smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
*It fights E. coli bacteria in unpasterized juices.
*It's a source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

'Tis the season...for Mulled Cider

Mother gave me a small candle that she'd bought at Wal-mart for $1.00...it's called Mulled Cider. She got her money's worth and more! The scent from this candle is so strong and "life-like" that I've caught myself several times thinking I needed to go in the kitchen and pour myself a cup!!

Mulled Apple Cider

4 cups of apple cider (or about a qt.)
6 whole cloves
1 (3-inch) cinnamon stick, broken into pieces (or sprinkle a spoonful of ground cinnamon to taste)
1/2 orange, sliced
1-inch peeled, fresh ginger, cut into 6 slices (you can substitute a bit of ground ginger to taste)

Combine the ingredients in a medium saucepan and simmer over a low flame for 20 minutes. Strain and serve. [About 130 cal. per serving--and this makes about 4-5 servings]
Note: You can also add about 1/4 c. orange juice, pineapple juice, cranberry juice and/or sliced lemons...whatever you might have on hand or have a taste for.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I think I started wearing mascara in 8th grade...and it was Maybelline from the beginning. I was always fascinated with that little red box of cake mascara and the little tiny brush. Advances had been made in make up by the time I started wearing it that I went straight for the tube kind! Even through that short period in my life when I wore royal blue mascara (I think this was our 8th grade year when Diane and I had such a crush on our math teacher! lol) I've always worn Maybelline....and pretty much wouldn't be caught dead without mascara on.......until I started working for Edison in 2000.

You know, mascara just didn't fit in to my daily routine of wearing corporate pajamas! lol I continued wearing mascara when attending church or doing trainings or some other public function, but when I was in my home office or running to Wal-mart....I was just slumming--no mascara!

During the year I was post-Edison, lamenting the loss of my dream job, and just eating till I reached the size of a Macy's Thanksgiving Day balloon, I sure wasn't going anywhere that required wearing mascara. Then I got a job at Greenville...and I was very thankful to have the job, but I had such a long commute that I had to decide what to sacrifice...sleep or mascara? Miss Piggy could wear mascara, but I just couldn't give up the sleep to look like her that early in the morning, so I went to school everyday for two years with NO mascara! Oh, the shame! (Well, not really...I just didn't care what they all thought because I knew I wouldn't be there long.)

I was so thrilled to have the job at Sam Rayburn that I whipped out the mascara brush....only to discover that my lashes no longer curled!!! OMGOSH!! They were just sticking out straight...like old lady eyelashes!!

I was determined that I was NOT going to school without mascara any more, so I perservered with applying the stuff every morning...haven't missed a day without it. Now, I'll admit that it's not 3 or 4 layers like I used to wear (you know that Tammy Faye look...well, I wasn't quite that bad, but I did like it on thick!), but I get on at least one or two coats.

....and it took TWO months before my eyelashes started curling!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blown off course.....

So....a little hurricane by the name of Ike blew through in early September....and the grand-pets came to live with me for 2 1/2 months....I somehow managed to fry the computer complete with smoke effects and sparks!...then my backup computer lost its virus protection and came down with an infection of worms and viruses...and it took me two months to get it back!!!

School is keeping me so busy I'm still losing weight! VERY SLOWLY....I'm having yogurt or cottage cheese & jello for breakfast. I'm literally having to lock the library doors for 30 minutes just so I can have lunch...otherwise, I'm just over run with munchkins of all sizes and ages who want books to read...this is a good "problem" to have tho :)

I've had a few times since school has started that I've "fallen off the wagon" so to speak....mainly to being so tired from school that I just didn't want to cook anything.

Speaking of tired....I think I'll go to sleep now...and get back to blogging on a regular basis tomorrow!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ummm...the yummiest!!!

I've had to give up bread for the most part....it's something I very, very seldom have...which means I've had to give up my favorite summer sandwich in the world....bacon and tomato!!! I haven't missed a lot of things from my former out-of-control eating, but I have missed those sandwiches this summer!

Here is a yummmy alternative:

3 thick slices of fresh tomato (if it's from the garden, even better!)
3 thin slices of fresh mozzarella cheese
1 T. Bella Sol's Blackberry Ginger Basalmic
2 slices of thin precooked bacon, heat in microwave for 20-25 secs
some fresh basil, cut in strips (optional)

Put cheese slices on tomatoes. Drizzle basalmic over cheese. Break up bacon and place some on each slice. Top with fresh basil.

While in Galveston, Kari and I visited the Saturday market where a lady told us to try this basalmic....man, was she ever right...the flavor is incredible and fresh tasting! The mozarella just soaks it up...ummmmm...try some!

Friday, August 15, 2008

God gave us a clue...

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... and YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.

Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries

Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body.

Natalie fwded this to me---I found it fascinating, yet at the same time, just plain 'ole common sense---just had to share it with everyone. Even Daniel's training in Babylon illustrates the importance of a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables (Daniel 1:1-21).

Lately, I'm wild about roasted veggies...

Kim’s Grilled Chicken Basil-Garlic Linguine With Roasted Veggies

4 chicken breasts, grilled to your liking (you can do this while the veggies cook)
Basil-garlic linguine, cooked (time the cooking so it is done at the same time as the veggies)

1 fennel bulb, chopped in bite-size pieces
1 bunch asparagus (woody ends cut off)
1-2 pints grape or cherry tomatoes, halved (adjust to how tomatoey you want it)
1 bulb garlic, cloves separated and peeled
About 8-12 kalamata pitted olives, drained and quartered
Sliced fresh mushrooms (you decide what kind and how much)
Fresh oregano and basil, chopped, to taste

Salt and pepper, to taste

Put all veggies in a baking dish, drizzle with olive oil, add seasonings to taste. Cook for 35 min. at 450 degrees.

Serve veggies over hot pasta and top with grilled chicken.

Other options:
You can serve over rice instead of pasta or you can use some other type pasta.

Other things you might like to add: pineapple tidbits, yellow squash, zucchini.

Use dried herbs instead of fresh. The original recipe called only for oregano, but since Kari and Warren had fresh basil in their little herb garden, we added it too.

Use grilled flatiron steak, shrimp, or scallops instead of chicken.

3rd Fill...

I can definitely tell a difference in the amount I can eat....and getting full quicker. I guess I shouldn't have waited so long to get the fill....it was lazy of me, but it also helps that school has officially started for me today and I'm back in a routine....it also helps that Carlon stopped in the library and commented that she could tell a difference in the way I look....it's so much easier when I get feedback and comments from people. I want to lose another 25 pounds by Christmas....and I'd be thrilled to lose more, but I'm trying to keep it realistic.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Heat wave....

Honey, we are sufferin' from a heat wave of monumental proportions!! Exercise has reached a different dimension--these exercises are guaranteed to cause you to break a sweat in no time!
  1. Stand outside
  2. Walk to the car
  3. Walk from the car to a store
  4. Walk around in the store
  5. Walk from a store to the car

All this heat certainly curbs the appetite also....gad, all that food just heats up the body....and when temperatures have consistently been 100+ for the past 2 weeks, one starts thinking about ways to keep cool....well, let me rephrase that....one starts thinking of ways to be less hot...

Cool Foods

  • Jello
  • Salad
  • Melons
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding
  • Berries
  • Lemonade
  • Yogurt

....and, of course, wearing as few clothes as possible!

So I'm heading south....to Galveston on Tuesday....and meet up with Tropical Storm Eduoard!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Everyone is soo sad....

1) Kari is sad because her computer decided to NOT be wireless today....so it is having to make a visit to the Geek Squad.

2) Warren is sad because his family (Mom, Allison & Olivia) had to leave and go home after their weekend visit...and he's got to go buy new dress pants that will fit to wear to work tomorrow (work being his scheduled rotation)....and he's sad that he didn't get to buy an iphone at the store because they weren't taking anymore customers for the day.

3) Lori is sad because when she was riding her bike around the lake yesterday, a cop (in a car) pulled her over and gave her a "moving violation" ticket....because she'd not stopped at a stop sign!!! Then after giving her the ticket, she asks where Lori works and Lori tells her, "The city of Dallas." and then the copy lady says, "Why didn't you tell me that to begin with?" Naturally, Lori didn't have her driver's license on her person, so she had to call Lisa at home to get her #....and, of course, Lisa is like, "You've GOT to be kidding me!!! Does the cop not have anything better to do??"

4) Lynn is sad because her 3 yr. old washing machine has not worked, literally, for a month!!!! The part is in, but the repairman couldn't schedule the repair until tomorrow!

5) The kids are sad because their faithful black lab dog, Missy, died from heartworms.

6) Gram is sad because she isn't going to get to see the end of the Tour de France (Bonham cable doesn't carry it...she's spent the past 3 wks. at Lisa's watching it, but had to come home due to appts. she has).

7) ....and me??? I'm thrilled I was FINALLY able to find a jar of tahini paste in this town!! Now I can make my own fresh hummus (the grocery store is constantly running out!). I'm not sad about anything.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Naked Ladies in the Garden!!

it takes talent...although, I'm not sure what kind of talent it takes to grow this!! It has been on the vine for about 6 wks....and since it was supposed to be a red bell pepper, I refrained from picking it while it was green....it has literally taken weeks for it to turn red! So....last week it decided to turn a nice red....and upon inspection, it had also decided to start growing this green projectile shape off in another direction!! I finally couldn't stand it any longer and picked it this morning....

I'm also growing this wild tangle of mini pumpkins, nasturtiums, and morning glories.....I literally just threw the flower seeds out, but deliberately planted 2 hills of pumpkins (I had 4, but upon transplanting 2 of them, they just fell over in a faint by the next day and never recovered). I've been keeping this watered well...it's entertaining me (ok...so it doesn't take much to entertain me these days!) Lisa and Lori gave me a funny garden "peacock" for my birthday...can you see him in the pumpkin patch? If not, I took a close-up below.

I've also been trying to grow a bushel of tomatoes for weeks....'cause I just can't live without tomatoes!! and is there anything better than a tomato right off the vine? I've watered it every day....it has grown to this ginormous size....it has been covered in little yellow flowers....but no tomatoes...until FINALLY...this past week it decided to put forth a bit of effort and produce a tomato...and then I found two more...so I've got a whopping total of 3 tomatoes growing so far.

Oh...did I mention the naked ladies in the garden? For those of you hoping to get a glimpse of something a big more risque, I'm so sorry to disappoint you! Tricia gave me these flower bulbs five years ago....they always produce a lush bunch of greenery in the spring and then die off. Then at some point during the summer to early fall, some of them may or may not decide to appear. It is some type of delicate-colored pink lily, but I have no idea what their "real" name is...Tricia just said they are naked ladies....and I thought that was really funny and had to have some growing in my yard! Thanks, Tricia! I think of you everytime I look at them!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me! (and Lisa)!

ok....so...yesterday was my birthday...and Lisa's, too. She was my 3rd birthday gift! And, of course, we've always thought that made us special! lol She went to Galveston Friday and is spending four days with Kari & Warren. I should have gone. Instead I stayed home and mowed the lawn (and am getting calluses on my delicate fingers from it!!), watered the plants, worked on a doll for Averie (who is scheduled to arrive Thursday unless she decides to arrive on her daddy's birthday tomorrow--that would be special), read a book, cooked myself a special birthday breakfast, did laundry, and napped...I had birthday calls from Lori and Lisa at 7 AM! (they were on the beach---just wanted me to know! ha), Kari, Mother, Lindsey, Tricia & Ray and e-mail from Natalie.

Saturday I rec'd cards in the mail from 2 cats, Mother, Lisa and Lori....and a special package....it had a specially made tiara just for me!!!! It was made by Kris Hurst in Georgia (http://krislhurst.blogspot.com/ and http://www.shurst.etsy.com/). I granted her rights to use some photos from my Flickr account and she felt the need to not only send me three image CDs, but to also make me my very own tiara! Now you know that I've always thought I was born to wear one! LOL (and, btw, it is not easy to take a picture of yourself wearing a crown!)

Yes, I had to shower and put on make up (even mascara!) and get dressed just for this picture! (Ok...the truth is that I finished mowing the lawn and I needed a shower...and I was thinking I might go out to school and start weeding---yes, this requires make-up, too--SR staff are so much more clothes and personal appearance conscience than staff at Carver that it is like night and day! I never put forth the effort for Carver---my effort went in to enduring a 45 min. drive one way every flippin' day for two years! Don't get me wrong--I was very grateful for the job--I just hated the drive.)

Did I say which birthday...ok 51...because if I don't tell you then Lindsey will certainly make sure it is known! I'd planned to throw myself a 50th birthday party this year....but I haven't lost all the weight I want to lose....so the party is postponed until then....could be next year...could be the year after....but it will still be a 50th birthday party...no matter how old Lindsey says I am!

And I want to say Happy Birthday to my dear friend James today! July is THE month as far as birthdays....our dearest German friend, Alexandra Biederbeck's is the 7th (it has been 10 yrs. since we've seen her, but we keep in touch and hope to see each other again someday), Rickey's is the 14th, Warren's the 17th, mine and Lisa's the 20th, James' the 21st, Brent's the 22nd, newly arrived Averie McGinnis is the 24th, Lindsey's the 25th, Vickie's the 26th, and my sweet departed friend Victor's was the 30th....and I could name a dozen more people I know who were born in July.
July people are special....and some of us like to wear tiaras!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fill 'er up!

I've scheduled another lapband fill for Aug. 5th......

When I had my last fill (in late January), I became concerned because Dr. Green had to remove some of the saline that he'd just injected because the liquid I swallowed wasn't going through.....it made me really nervous about having another fill!

However, it's gotten to the point that I don't feel filled up anymore....like I'm always hungry or wanting to snack...and I was finding way too many things to snack on! Granted, they've been low-cal, BUT they've almost all been carbs. So I didn't buy anymore when I bought groceries this week....
...it's so hard to be good!!! ;)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Exercise....sort of...

Does standing in line for 3 hours count as exercise?? What about another hour of milling around? That's how much time we spent at Antiques Roadshow Dallas! It took right at 3 hours just to get to the front of the line where they "sort" you out--you are given specific tickets to where you need to take your items, such as dolls, decorative arts, jewelry, metal, tribal arts, etc. Then, depending on how long the lines are, you stand in more lines to get your items appraised. We thoroughly enjoyed getting to go....the show will air sometime Jan-May 2009.

Other "exercise" on the agenda for the week: mowing, weed eating (Ashley & Lindsay: sorry I've put you out of a job!! I love you!), re-potting some plants, major rearranging and cleaning in the library, picking blueberries for myself!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Picking fresh blueberries...

Who knew there are fresh blueberries for the picking in this area?? Have I been living under a rock?? Thanks to Natalie M. mentioning to Kari that she'd picked berries near Canton, we started searching for PYO (pick your own) farms to see what is available.

About 10 miles north of Bonham and 2.5 miles west on FM 274 you can find Walker's Blueberries with 20 yr. old blueberry bushes a tad over 6 feet high. They bear fruit from mid-June to mid-July. Miz Walker is 83 and is open from 8-12 am...although you can go pick before she opens, she said you have to stay till 8:00 'cause that's when she comes on down to the blueberry patch to collect your money. She has 1 gallon and 1/2 gallon buckets for you to use when you pick, but if you are smart you'll bring your ziploc bags and fill 'em up right then and there... and they are ready to pop in the freezer. It's a good idea to call in advance (903-583-4739...you'll get her recorded msg. about the status of picking and whether she will definately be open or not) 'cause things come up and sometimes she won't be open (she's got a funeral to go to tomorrow).

If you want to find out where Pick Your Own farms are, visit http://www.pickyourown.org/. Scroll down to select your state and from there you will choose the area of the state you live in (be aware that some areas overlap...such as Dallas-Ft. Worth area and North Texas area). Pick Your Own farms are listed by county within the areas.

Because Kari & I have been driving around southern Oklahoma the past week like our skirts are on fire, we have really had to get creative about scheduling some things that we really want to do....such as pick blueberries. We had appts. today at 9:00, 10:30, and 2:30...so Jake came over to spend the night with us and we got up at 6:00 AM and left at 6:30 AM and were picking blueberries before 7:00 AM...we were up so early we had shoo the guineas out of the middle of the road where they were roosting!

There are a few "rules" you need to know about picking blueberries....

  • don't pick anything with a red tinge to it cause it's not ripe and blueberries do not ripen off the vine

  • if a blueberry is ready to pick, it will just roll off into your hand when you grab it....or as Miz Walker's daughter, Jane, said, "you tickle the blueberry and if it is ripe it will release into your hand."

  • don't wash your blueberries until you are ready to eat them

  • blueberries should go straight to the freezer after they are picked if you aren't going to eat them soon

  • fresh picked blueberries will keep in the fridge for about 10-14 days

  • you don't have to bend over to pick blueberries

  • you might need a step ladder if you want to go for the big juicy berries at the top of the bush

  • your hands will get stained! (can you see some on my fingers?!)

We picked just shy of 2 gallons in an hour....Jake was picking for Gram. I divided what I'd picked up between Kari and Jake, so that Kari has a gallon to take home with her and Gram has just about a gallon to put in the freezer for herself. I'll be going back out next week to pick for myself...hopefully, Jake and/or one of the girls and/or Mother can go with me to pick. We called it quits at 8 so we could get to our other appts. About a half dozen people showed up to pick just as we were leaving!

Why the craze over blueberries? Well, it is probably the healthiest fruit you can eat.
  • full of natural antioxidants to help protect against chronic diseases associated with aging
  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • promotes urinary tract health and reduces risk of infection
  • low-calorie (1 c. = 148 calories)
I try to eat blueberries every day with low-fat yogurt, some walnuts, and low-fat oat granola. I also tried out a smoothie this week using some blueberries.

Kim's Blueberry Breakfast Yogurt

1/2 c. Kellog's Low-Fat Granola Without Raisins
1/2 c. low-fat vanilla yogurt
handful of fresh blueberries
1/8 c. broken walnut pieces

Kim's Breakfast Smoothie

1/2 banana
1-2 strawberries
small handful of blueberries
1/4 c. plain or vanilla yogurt
splash of orange juice or lemonade
spoonful of sugar or Splenda

Whip up in the blender and serve! Yummy!! Of course, you can mix up what fruits you might have on hand, such as pineapple, peaches, papaya, or mango. Experiment and enjoy it!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Mowing as exercise...

I hope that Kari is sitting down when she reads this post....otherwise she may pass smooth out from the shock of what I've just done....

Just a few weeks ago we were discussing the last time I had mowed a lawn....and we agreed I was probably in high school.....do you know how long ago that has been???!!!!

I can't stand to see the grass overgrown...so I decided I was going to mow one day last week...only I couldn't get the lawnmower started....I seemed like I just didn't have the strength to pull the cord hard/fast enough! :(

Lindsey came over and mowed last night....she unexpectedly showed up this morning, too...so I asked her to start it for me....well....it seems I just didn't know HOW to start the mower!! I had no idea I needed to push a little red button several times (prime the gas??)!!

I've tried to be conscious of ways I can add more exercise to my life...and mowing would certainly be one!! ugh!! I realize my job is fairly sedentary (unless I'm having to take over a place and do major cleaning/reorganizing, which has been the case at every library job I've had--but even that is not long-term day-to-day work). Jake and I worked Friday evening/night, Saturday morning till 1:00, and I worked pretty much all day yesterday cleaning/organizing laundry room and my office bookcases. This week I'm going to be working on the front room with Jake....I canNOT start back to school with my house needing to be organized/cleaned!!

Oh....and in case you didn't believe that I really did mow the yard, I offer this picture as evidence...completely un-retouched!!

....and now I'm off to buy vaccuum cleaner....so I can get even more exercise!! ugh!

6/17 update: I also bought a weed-eater....even more exercise!! lol

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Chipotle Shrimp Salad

I sent Mother to Kari & Warren's over their first anniversary weekend. She babysat Grace and Pete for them and enjoyed flying down and having a long weekend of taking Grace for walks and watering Kari's little garden. Kari fixed a roast for Gram and some shrimp salad. Mother brought back the recipe and has talked about how good it is....so here it is:

Kari's Chipotle Shrimp Salad

4 c. cooked shrimp, tails removed, and chopped
1 c. diced tomato
1 c. diced mango
1 T. cilantro, chopped
1 T. onion, chopped
1/3 c. sour cream
1 T. fresh lime juice
salt & pepper to taste
1 med. avocado
1/2 c. spicy dressing (French's chipotle mayo, Hidden Valley Spicy Ranch, Newman's Own Southwest or make your own spicy dressing with low/no fat ingredients)

Combine shrimp, tomato, mango, cilantro, and onion. Toss with lime juice, sour cream, salt and pepper. When ready to serve, add diced avocado, and dressing. Mix well to coat. Serve with corn chips, crackers, pita chips, or some other favorite crunchy!

Where to start??

I had a job pre-interview scheduled for after school....I put on pantyhose for the first time, literally, in years (it's a miracle some even were in my drawer!)...and they fit...and not tight either! I put on a dress that I bought last fall and some little black heels. This is a dress I'd been saving to wear when I hit the 50 lb. mark. A job seemed more important that day than whether I hit the mark! So needless to say, all this gussied-upness caused quite a sensation at school from the time I walked in the door until I sashayed out! lol These people have never seen me really dressed up! Sad... I used to dress like that every day!! Of course, I had a full-time aide when I was at Achille and I wasn't the one that had to crawl around in the floor to shelve/move books. During the course of the day, I remembered why I had quit wearing pantyhose to school...and dresses!! Manual labor isn't condusive to wearing pantyhose. Unfortunately, before the day was out, the interview had to be rescheduled for the next day.....gad!!! I couldn't take wearing pantyhose for 2 days in a row!! However, I have to admit that I'd forgotten how empowering heels are! lol

So the next day.....I just stop at the house and put the same dress AND pantyhose back on....and continue on....empowered! click click click down the hallway... LOL

That was last week....

I get an e-mail from Etsy telling me that my AmEx card has expired 5/1/2008...I'm thinking it's odd that I didn't get a replacement one in the mail...so I call them on a Friday. I'm told that they sent me a new one in June 2007!!! (why?) They tell me it was mailed to Denton, TX and returned!! Ok..I could understand that one....maybe. Kari & I share the same AmEx account, but we have different card numbers...and I knew she had updated the mailing address, but if they sent it June of last year just a month after she married, I could forgive that. However, they did not even have my mailing address in the system and said they didn't have Kari's name change to Worsham. Ok...so I took care of all the updating and was assured I'd have a new card out by overnight express. Monday came...and went...no card...BUT, Kari received a new card in the mail at her house!!!! and her card doesn't even expire till 2012!! Tuesday came and went....no card...Wednesday came and went without a card, too. I call them again and am told they don't have a log of me even calling and requesting a new card!!! So I have to go through all of that again....and am assured they will overnight express me a card, but it would be Friday when I get it. Friday comes and I get a call from Kari....Warren rec'd an AmEx card in the mail for me...at their house! I get home and I get an AmEx card delivered...made out to Kimberly Worsham...with a different number than the one Kari rec'd for me!!! AAaaaarrggghh!!! These C- people trying to run the world drive me NUTS!!!! especially when I have to make more than one phone call to straighten out their mess!!!! Needless to say, I call AmEx again...and get them straightened out. I get a call from their customer service at 9 PM!!!! Don't call me on a Friday night when I'm tired, cranky and YOU have screwed up and want to know if I'm satisfied with my recent dealings!!! You know what the answer to that is going to be! Monday I get a new card...gee whiz!!! Wednesday I get another call from customer service telling me they will compensate me with 2,000 customer reward points because I could not use my card for 24 hrs....24 hrs?!!! I told her it was a week!!!! thanks to inefficient, incompetent people at AmEx who could not simply send out a renewed card...to the correct address...with the correct name!!! She repeated again that I was getting 2,000 customer reward points....ok...and I'm supposed to be grateful for that? Today I get a Thank You card in the mail from AmEx customer service telling me it was a pleasure to speak with me about my recent experience and they certainly appreciate my feedback!

This past week I overextended the muscles in my upper right arm (due to two nights of working for about 4 hrs. each night) by sitting on the couch and reclining on the left side and so my right arm was extended across my body...well, P A I N in the night...as in NOT being able to move my right arm AT ALL!!! Nearly killed myself trying to wrestle one-armed into a bra---went to school late---decided I was nuts to try to drive one-armed for such a long way---once there, realized that I was pretty much useless trying to get books checked in and put up---s0 stayed about half a day------didn't go at all yesterday---couldn't get dressed...etc. Moaned in pain....could only sleep a few hours at a time....discovered it is amazing how much we flex those upper arm muscles for the slightest thing....could only lay in a certain position...and even then, the pain never completely stopped....during this time I was taking aspirin, applying stinky muscle rub stuff (can't believe I even had any!!), and trying to keep my arm warm....Ashley brought me some Ibuprofen last night and wrapped my arm in an ace bandage (anything to help keep those muscles still!!!).....then a miracle occurred....I slept all night and woke up with no pain. I can't explain it....MSII Worsham had told me that the nerve would grow back if that was what was damaged....this just seemed to defy explanation-- to go from intense pain to none....well, I do still have some tenderness in areas....and I'm careful to not try to muscle anything around using that arm or carrying anything heavy...there is one position I can't quite move it into.... I did not tell Mother about this because all that hovering around trying to help gets on my nerves when I'm in pain, but somehow she found out and came over this morning...and she was a big help...folded laundry, made my bed, went to get groceries with me....and I appreciated it today because I had no pain!

Needless to say, this gave me a whole new appreciate for Cristian de la Fuente on DWTS. :)

That was this week.... and now I'm like 3 days behind at school already!!!!

Only 13 more days of school!!!!! Woo hoo!! It cannot get here soon enough!! 'cause I need a vacation.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I need to attend a conference EVERY week!

Kari, Esther, and I attended the TLA conference in Dallas this past week for 3 full days---lots and lots of walking and lugging around sacks and bags of books....so many freebies!!! If a person is willing to spend the time going through all the vendors, you can get so many free books, posters, and bookmarks to take back to school! It's crazy great! Esther left a sack for me to mail home to her (she's not going to be back home until May 8ish). Kari left half the back seat of my car filled with things to ship to her....and the trunk of my car is filled!

The good news is that I'm down a few more pounds! And I'll be working really hard to get the next 3 lbs. off!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Eat This NotThat

I kept seeing the title of this book in the news, on Amazon, etc....but hadn't been curious enough to explore further until this past week when "the book people" left their lot of discounted books at school for us to purchase--and there was the book. I "borrowed" it overnight to peruse it and find out what all the talk is about. I was impressed that the information given cites specific studies, gives brief explanations of what is specifically in a certain food that is healthy, and overall enlightens about the restaurant/fast food/food industry---it's enough to make a person go organic all the way!! It certainly makes me very thankful that I was raised on homegrown foods out of the garden and homegrown beef. We had fresh milk and fresh eggs too, but I drank as little milk as possible and would only eat an egg if it was scrambled. I was a very picky eater---until I "got out in the world" and was willing to try new things! Although, I have to say, I've just never been able to cultivate my palate to like the taste of liver or English peas! ugh I would not eat cheese of any kind except as a grilled cheese sandwich (although, American was the only cheese I was exposed to). I would eat salads dry--no salad dressing. I would only eat vanilla ice cream (and thought it came in only 3 flavors--vanilla, chocolate, and neopolitan).

Here are some facts from the book:
  • 2/3 of U.S. adults are overweight.
  • Food industry spends $30 billion annually on advertising (70% on convenience food, candy, soda, and desserts).
  • The standard pizza in Italy contains 500-800 calories, while the same Pizza Hut one can top 2,100 calories.
  • At Chick-Fil-A, not a single sandwich tops 500 calories.
  • Popeyes' mashed potatoes and gravy only has 120 calories, 4 g. fat, 570 mg.sodium (this is a fav. comfort food for Lisa)

Restaurant Report Cards (based on the overall nutrition):

Arby’s C
Bob Evans A-
Boston Market A-
Burger King C-
Chick-Fil-A A+
Chili’s C-
Denny’s B
Domino’s C-
Fazoli’s B+
Macaroni Grill F
McDonald’s B-
On the Border F
P.F. Chang D
Panera D (I'm so sad to find this out!)
Pizza Hut D-
Ruby Tuesday B-
Subway A
Taco Bell B+
Uno Chicago Grill C
Wendy’s B

8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day

black beans


15 Foods that Cure

Best blood stabilizer: Raspberries
Contains anthocyanins, which boost insulin production and lower blood sugar levels, providing a strong defense against diabetes

Best colon cancer guard: Green or white tea
Just one c a day may cut your risk of colon cancer in half. Antioxidants in the tea, called catechins, inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Best skin saver: Carrots
NCI researchers found that people with the highest intake of carotenoids were six times less likely to develop skin cancer than those with the lowest intakes.

Best heart protector: Salmon
A diet of heart-healthy fats, like those found in salmon and olive oil, raise HDL cholesterol levels.

Best breast cancer beater: Whole-grain cereal
Women who get at least 30 g. fiber daily are half as likely to develop breast cancer.

Best bone protector: Shrimp
Shrimp is high in Vit B12 which aids bone density and is crucial to the generation of new cells. It’s also a good source of Vit D, an essential ingredient for bone strength.

Best vision defender: Spinach or R
omaine lettuce
People who consume the most lutein—found in leafy greens—are 43% less likely to develop macular degeneration.

Best anti-aging elixir: Red wine
Oxidative stress plays a major role in aging, and an antioxidant in red wine called resveratrol may help extend life by neutralizing disease-causing free radicals. A Pinot Noir packs the most per glass.

Best lung cancer fighter: Grapefruit
A grapefruit a day can reduce your risk of developing lung cancer by up to 50%. Grapefruit contains naringin, which may help lower levels of cancer-causing enzymes.

Best prostate protector: Garlic
Compounds in garlic have been shown to reduce risk of prostate cancer by up to 50%.

Best cavity killer: Monterey Jack Cheese
Eating less than a quarter ounce of Jack, Cheddar, Goud, or mozzarella cheese will boost pH levels to protects your pearly whites from cavities.

Best blood pressure reducer: Baked Potato
Increasing the amount of potassium in your diet (a baked potato will boost your intake by about 400 mg, but be sure to eat the skin!) will significantly lower your blood pressure.

Best hair rejuvenator: Beef
Iron in the meat stimulates hair turnover and replenishment. Beef is also rich in zinc, which helps guard against hair loss.

Best cholesterol reducer: Olive oil
Antioxidants found in olives have been shown both to raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol, making olive oil a doubly potent protector against cardiovascular disease.

Best brain booster: Coffee
Beyond boosting alertness for up to 90 minutes, that morning cup is the number one source of antioxidants in the American diet, and can help decrease your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 60%.

Foods to Eat When....

You’re Stressed:
1 c. low-fat yogurt
2 T. mixed nuts
half a red bell pepper—sliced –add to a salad or sandwich
1 c.peppermint tea
handful of sesame seeds

You’re Sad:
Arugula or spinach salad
Tuna sashimi or grilled salmon
1 T. ground flaxseed daily—sprinkle on salads or mix in smoothie/shake

You’re Feeling Fat:
Grilled chicken breast
Grapefruit (Note: people taking Lipitor can't eat grapefruit)
A small scoop of tuna salad

You’re Low on Energy:
Handful of trail mix
Bowl of cereal
High-protein salad with vinaigrette

You Need a Brain Boost:
Blueberries—wild if you can find them
Salmon or mackerel

You Want to Increase Metabolism:
Green tea
Steak & eggs
Physical activity

You Need to Get Some Sleep:
Nonfat popcorn (who knew, huh, D?)
Oatmeal with sliced banana and walnuts
A handful of sesame seeds

You Need to Wake Up and Go:
Eggs and Whole Wheat Toast
Cottage Cheese topped with Berries
Post Original Shredded Wheat

You’re Hung Over:
Orange juice
Cold water or Gatorade
Toast with preserves or berries

You’re Under the Weather:
Ginseng tea, hot or iced
Green tea
Olive oil and avocados

You Want to Get “In the Mood”:
Dark Chocolate
6 oz. sirloin steak
vanilla ice cream

You Want a Baby:
Brazil nuts
Frozen peaches

You Want to Look and Feel Younger:
Sunflower seeds
Spinach and beans
Red wine and grape juice
Sweet potatoes

You Want the Most from Your Workout:
PB & J or Pasta
Pork Tenderloin
Pineapple and Papaya

All About Kids

To Spur Growth:
Whole grain cereal with Vit D Milk

To Feed Developing Brain:
Roast Beef

To Promote Better Behavior:
Legumes, fruits, vegetables

To Boost Energy:
All-natural peanut butter on whole wheat bread

Nutrition Kids Need(with examples of some foods with highest content):

Calcium (milk, calcium-enhanced o.j., yogurt, string cheese)
Fiber (raspberries, banana, sliced apple)
Vitamin A (carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach)
Iron (beans, fortified cereals, spinach)
Vitamin C (kiwi, orange juice, strawberries)

5 Hidden Nutriton Dangers for Kids (this is because of additives and sugar content):

Lunch snacks
Vegetables (cheez whiz, ranch dressing)

Overall, I found the book to be a pretty amazing source of information with lots of fact sidebars....amazing enough that I've ordered one for myself, one for Lisa and Lori, and one for Kari & Warren.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What a difference 1 lb. makes!

I finally got back on the scale today....and had lost a pound. But this is a momentous pound for me.....after "confession" I worked hard to not just mentally re-group, but to also get in more exercise. It was also momentous because I just looked straight down at the scales---I didn't have to suck anything in, move anything out of the way, or bend over to see what the numbers were.
I'm down 2 sizes in clothes....My goal is to lose 4-5 more sizes. It may take a while--like another year, but I'm ok with that.

Jake and I went to Ft. Washita yesterday and the walk (not to mention the weather) was absolutely great!

This 1 pound also made a difference in my social life. Friday night I met with Vickie and Kristi at a scrapbooking session in Denison. Big hugs! I cannot tell you the last time I've done anything socially. In fact, Kristi even commented about how long it had been since we'd done anything and I told her, "I was just too fat to socialize." Seriously. It was sucking the oxygen out of my brain cells and sucking the life right out of me at the same time. I've really missed Vickie and Kristi being in my life on a regular basis.

So Saturday I squeezed in a lot of socializing to make up for lost time! lol Saw Sharla at Ft. Washita--didn't get to talk to her long, but it was great to see her andgive each other a hug...especially in a setting that we both love and share fond memories of. Saw Chuck and Sheila and their whole family--more hugs (Lori's brother and sister-in-law)--was great to see them, too, with their girls and grandkids and one soon to arrive. Stopped at Kinfolk's in Durant to see Carla and Heather---big hugs. They are two special people that I just love to be around....and never get to see often enough...and never have enough time to do all talking we could do. Stopped to see Debbie--big hug--in Achille and admire who beautifully remodeled kitchen...I so miss having frequent literary discussions with her and talking to her and working with her. I hope we get an opportunity to work together again some day. Then Donnas called me and said she and DeWayne would be down Sunday night, which just would have capped off my social weekend, but, unfortunately, her mom became sick and they had to cancel those plans this morning. We'll get together soon.

A pound has really made a difference for me mentally.....and socially!

So I've roasted a turkey loin, made some red beans, rice, and hamburger, cut up a watermelon, cut up 2 mangoes and am ready to go for the next week!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

God sends secret messages in conversations...

I had two unexpected conversations this past week on different days with total strangers. They were reassuring messages from God --reassurance that I've taken the right path with the lapband surgery....and that I was prepared for it.

Conversation #1: This person knew I'd had lapband surgery. She'd also had it around the same time I did and wanted to know "how I am doing." She was frustrated that she had not lost any weight since the surgery and 3 fills. She wanted to know if the 45+ lbs. I'd lost so far was "from the surgery or from me." She said she has a compulsion to eat and did not want to change what she eats or her eating habits, but wanted to surgery to work and make her lose weight. I suggested she get some behavioral therapy or psychiatric counseling. She told me she had lied during the psychiatric evaluation pre-surgery.

Conversation #2: This person's sister-in-law had lapband surgery and weighed 420+ lbs. She also did not want to change any eating habits and has totally abandoned any pretense of trying to lose weight. She said she enjoys eating and food is her life. When she fixes pot roast for her family, she fixes a pot roast for each person to eat!!! When offering ice cream for desert, she offers each person a pint or half gallon each!!! She eats whole bags of cookies for a snack.

Needless to say, both conversations within 2 days of each other just helped me feel more determied to get back on a more narrow path.....and it makes me thankful that I have the continued support of family and co-workers who make comments of encouragement and compliments to me.....andthat I am making progress....

I can honestly say that I was mentally prepared for this surgery. I never thought it would be a miracle surgery and that I would instantly lose 150 pounds. I was so sick of being an out-of-control eater. I was tired of constantly thinking about food from the minute I woke up until I fell asleep. I was tired of being so lazy that I practically relied on nothing but take-out, fast food, and restaurant food for meals. Being out of control was wearing me out....and making me very unhealthy.

I went in to the surgery knowing that I had to change my way of thinking, my way of shopping, my way of eating, my way of cooking. I knew I had to start planning ahead for meals, exercise, get more sleep, learn to say no to some foods, and learn to eat realistic portion sizes. This was a life-style change for me....for the rest of my life because I have a daughter and son-in-law and future grandkids and nieces and a nephew and the rest of my family who I want to be able to spend as much time as I can with for as many years as I can. Thank you, God. Amen.

Beeswax ATC created by moi.